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Rural Development Organization
Activities and Programs

i. Health:

General Health Services
a) Rural Medical Centre, Gojra District Toba Tek Singh
b) Rural Medical Complex, Rehmat Town, Ghulam Muhammadabad, Faisalabad.
c) Mobile health services and counseling programme for backward pre-urban areas.

Awareness for Hepatitis, HIV/Aids, Anti-Narcotics, Dehydration, Tuberculosis, Family Planning and Reproductive health.
Research regarding Health & Sanitation

ii. Innovative Education & Technical Skill Centre
Information Technology, Adult Education, Skill Development Training, Industrial Home.

iii. Human Rights
Awareness for Interfaith Harmony, Child Labour, Women Empowerment, Control Domestic violence and Trafficking, Legal support to underage industrial as well as agriculture farm workers.

iv. Networking between Different Organizations

v. Welfare of Disadvantaged classes
Handicap, Deaf, Dumb, Blind, Orphans and Old age,

vi. Promotion of Livestock & Sports activities
Promotion in Dairy Production, Beef & Mutton production and promotion of individual Games and collective games as team.

RDO’s work for Development and it Collaborates
RDO has main focus for up gradation of human beings by combating Health challenges, Human disgrace i.e. Child Labor & Child prostitution & Women prostitution from 2006, Gender issues, Narcotics, HIV/Aids, Ignorance and Poverty by 2003.

Projects with International Collaborates
World outside Pakistan acknowledged the cause of RDO in 2007 by supporting its projects

- IIECL,International Initiative to End Child Labour–(Arlington, Virginia-USA) awarded Mini Grant to RDO for combating Child Labour & Child Abuses in November 2007
- Winrock South Asia Office also considering RDO Proposal for its plan to fight Child abuses.
-While World Bank and International Monetary Fund issued accreditation to 02 representatives of RDO to attend their Civil Society Policy Forum 2008 in Washington DC by acknowledging its pro community culture.

Projects with Development Collaborates working for Pakistan Community

-Girl Child education promotion and skill training programme financed by Planned Parenthood Foundation-Canada and UNICEF (under umbrella of FPAP-Pakistan) to educate the non-school going children by equipping them will necessary material, brainwashing of their parents for pursuance to get education and provision of skill training tools to illiterate youngsters in order to make them self supportive in order to make the able to earning their living under prestigious manners.
- National Council of Social Welfare, Trust for Voluntary Organization & RFP (Rahnma-i-Family Planning Ex-FPAP Pakistan) contributed their financial & technical support for our Health projects i.e. General Health Services and Health Awareness activities.
- Directorate of Workers education (Ministry of Labour, Manpower Pakistan) provided us financial as well as technical and logistical support for adopt Pre-emptive approach against HIV/AIDS by managing awareness programmes especially for labour community.
- FPAP in collaboration with UNICEF Pakistan provided us full fledge support for Girl-Child Health-cum-technical skill awareness programme & general health awareness programme for TB, Influenza, Malaria and especially HIV/AIDS along with Reproductive Health awareness for adult community.
-Anti-Narcotics Force Pakistan continuously contributing their support for our Anti-narcotics Awareness. Programmes for the District Toba Tek Singh.
-Punjab Bait-ul-Mall provided us support for installation of Industrial Home in rural areas so that the women of area can get advantage of getting skill training in sewing, cutting, knitting and embroidery.
-Livestock & Dairy development Board (An attach department of Ministry of Food, Agriculture & Livestock-Government of Pakistan) contributing its technical, logistical and financial support to our ongoing livestock projects for care and management of Promotion in Dairy Production & in production of mutton & beef.

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