Founded in 1991, the International Council of AIDS Service Organizations’ (ICASO) mission is to mobilize and support diverse community organizations to build an effective global response to HIV and AIDS. This is done within a vision of a world where people living with and affected by HIV and AIDS can enjoy life free from stigma, discrimination, and persecution, and have access to prevention, treatment and care.
Framed by our vision, mission and guiding principles ICASO’s work is shaped by a set of Strategic Directions (2007-11) that include:
Building community sector capacity to advocate
Advocating for the effective implementation of universal access to comprehensive HIV and AIDS services
Mobilizing and strengthening community sector partnerships and networks
Developing a stronger, more effective organization and network
The ICASO network of networks operates globally, regionally and locally, and reaches over 100 countries internationally. ICASO operates from its International Secretariat in Canada and through Regional Secretariats based in five continents:
African Council of AIDS Service Organizations (AfriCASO)
AIDS Action Europe (AAE)
Asia-Pacific Council of AIDS Service Organizations (APCASO)
Latin America and the Caribbean Council of AIDS Service Organizations (LACCASO)
North American Council of AIDS Service Organizations (NACASO)