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El Taller

Open University

Date: 11/05/2009

Open University

The Open University offers a space for youth to analyse and deepen the understanding of the human rights and development paradigm through inter cultural dialogue that inspires the development of new imaginaries both in theory and in praxis.  The Open University more specifically creates a space for deep reflection and exchange among youth in universities, women organizations, youth groups, human rights based groups and those from economically challenged regions on the critical issues of the times. The central themes envisaged revolve around the area of alternatives in social development and promoting a culture of peace, dialogue and mutual understanding.

The Open University in its contents and process offers another way to knowledge. The participatory learning-teaching methods create a non-classical, non-hierarchical environment that motivates both participants and resource persons to explore possibilities of dialogue and reflection;
The methodology contrary to the principles of achievement and competition, focuses on collective learning in understanding topics that are often absent from formal educational spaces. It offers reflection on alternative paradigms of governance, democracy, peace, human rights and the formulation of other discourses that offer values, other worldviews: of ethics and community as opposed to individualism, a rights based approach to development, infusing equality with dignity.

The space created by the Open University offers possibilities for the development of non violent means of social transformation.


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